
Over the year since transforming and rebranding our company to be a technology and IP-driven solution provide, our innovative smart home solutions and our technology capabilities are recognized by the industry in Smart City, IoT and engineering institutions. The following is a list of these

Top Scorer and patent assignment from Panasonic Intellectual Property Limited – AIRXED at IP HatchDay 2019 by Piece Future

First Prize (Industry Category) – AIRXED

HK Institution of Engineers (END) IoT Development 2019

First Prize (Industry Category) – SmartAirCon

HK Institution of Engineers (END) IoT Development 2016

First Runners Up (IoT Category) – SmartAirCon

IngDan IoT competition 2016

Upgrading and Transformation Certificate of Merit 2015

Hong Kong Awards For Industries

Our business are all over the world

Our business are all over the world

We sell over 7 million units of solutions for remotes per year


Cloud infrastructure for home IoT control



Remote control solutions sold per year


Remotec Home IoT cloud active users per year

Our Achievement / Our Market Share